HiScreen IMAC FF
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HiScreen IMAC FF

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Hi-066P HiScreen IMAC FF Inquiry
Product Information
Cat#No# Hi-066P
Product Overview HiScreen IMAC FF are prepacked with IMAC Sepharose 6 Fast Flow, a resin which is charged with the metal of choice for purification of histidine-tagged proteins. The HiScreen format is optimized for method optimization and parameter screening.
Description IMAC Sepharose 6 Fast Flow consists of 90 μm beads of highly cross-linked agarose to which a chelating group has been covalently coupled. This chelating group can be charged with suitable metal ions, specific for your target protein of interest.
Characteristic For optimizing purification of histidine-tagged proteins when Ni2+ is not the best choice of metal ion.
Conveniently charge with your metal ion of choice.
Optimal bead size for scale-up.
High binding capacity.
Prepacked HiScreen columns for method optimization and process development.
Reproducible results, scalable to BioProcess columns packed with the same resin using the same linear fluid velocity.
Maximum operating pressure 1.5 bar [0.15 MPa] (22 psi)
Metal ion capacity Approx. 15 µmol Ni2+ /ml medium
Matrix Highly cross-linked 6% agarose
Average particle size 90 µm
Dynamic binding capacity Approx. 40 mg (histidine)6-tagged protein/ml medium (Ni2+-charged). Untagged protein: Approx. 25 mg/ml medium (Cu2+ charged), or approx. 15 mg/ml medium (Zn2+ or Ni2+ charged).
Recommended flow rate 30 to 300 cm/h
Recommended column height 100 mm
Chemical stability 1 M NaOH, 70% acetic acid. Tested for 12 h. 2% SDS. Tested for 1 h. 30% 2-propanol. Tested for 30 min.
pH working range 3 to 12
CIP stability 2 to 14
Storage 4 to 30°C, 20% Ethanol
Cleaning-in-place Ionically bound proteins: 1. Wash with several column volumes (CV) of 1.5 M NaCl. 2. Wash with at least 3 CV distilled water.
Precipitated proteins, hydrophobically bound proteins, and lipoproteins: 1. Wash the column with 1 M NaOH, contact time usually 1 to 2 h (longer time may be required to inactivate endotoxins). 2. Wash with approximately 3 to 10 CV start buffer. 3. Wash with 5 to 10 CV distilled water.
Hydrophobically bound proteins, lipoproteins, and lipids: 1. Wash with 5 to 10 CV 30% isopropanol for at least 15 to 20 min. 2. Wash with approximately 10 CV distilled water. or 1. Wash with 2 CV detergent in a basic or acidic solution. Use, for example, 0.1 to 0.5% nonionic detergent in 0.1 M acetic acid, contact time 1 to 2 h. 2. Remove residual detergent by washing with at least 5 CV 70% ethanol. 3. Wash with 3 to 10 CV start buffer.
Pack size 4.7 mL
Maximum flow velocity 600 cm/h
Dimensions 7.7 × 100 mm
Column volume 4.7 ml
Column i.d. 7.7 mm
Column hardware pressure limit 0.8 MPa (8 bar, 116 psi)
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