Low Density Glyoxal 6BCL allows a covalent binding of agarose to lysine amino groups. This product is adequate to work in batch or column purifications (Low Pressure). The resin has a low content of aldehydes groups (15- 25 µmoles Glyoxal /ml gel) providing a very good option to conjugate affinity ligands without distorting the target ligand. The backbone of the resin is 6% agarose beads and the pore size is most commonly used to work with enzymes & proteins.
Agarose 6%
20% Ethanol
Activation degree (μmol glyoxyl/ml gel) 15-25
Coupling Capacity (mg bsa/ml gel) 5-10 (Orientative values for coupling capacity using BSA)
Crosslinked; Matrix Active Groups Agarose with some diols oxidized to aldehydes